We finally had a gorgeous and warm weekend without rain, and I was finally able to harvest some pussy willows for decorating this week end. Yofi the Poodle loves jumping around in the mud puddles as I clipped away. The pussy willows are found in the river and creek banks amongst brush and bramble, so with long pants on and water proof boots I got to work. Each year I replenish my pussy willow display at home as well as our showroom in San Francisco. Some people think that it is bad Feng Shui to have dead plants in the home, but it is dirty, dusty, old and damaged wood that are bad. Just like damaged furniture, which is of a dead plant. This practice is most important in the bedroom.
Malka of RC Cabinets & Closets
1 comment:
I just love pussy willow - I used to have a huge one in a garden I owned a long time. It's such a lovely unusual thing! Thanks for visiting and for your lovely comment. Yes that's one of my dogs in the header photo - the other one is there but not visible! Leigh
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